Buying a Rehab

If the thought of purchasing a home that needs a significant amount of updating – beyond new paint colors and replacing carpet – it is important to select the correct financing prior to purchasing. Some lenders offer products that wrap the purchase price of the property and cost of rehab into your monthly mortgage payment. There are also opportunities to purchase homes directly from the City of Milwaukee and qualify for a special grant program. Do be aware that you should always secure the correct financing up-front for a purchase/rehab project and not wait until after you purchase the home.


The City of Milwaukee is committed to assisting homebuyers with the purchase and rehabilitation of City-owned foreclosed homes. If you are interested in home ownership you may want to consider the great opportunities available under the Homebuyer Assistance Program which is being offered as a part of the City’s Strong Neighborhoods Plan.

HBA $35,000 Forgivable Loan
The City’s Neighborhood Improvement Development Corporation (NIDC) provides fully forgivable loans up to $35,000 to assist owner-occupant buyers with rehabilitation. The Homebuyer Assistance Program is available throughout the city of Milwaukee, is not limited to first time homebuyers, and has no maximum income limits for qualification. Free technical assistance helps with scope of work development, soliciting bids from licensed contractors, and monitoring rehabilitation. Attend a Homebuyer Orientation Session to learn more about this exciting opportunity!

City-Owned Properties
The City of Milwaukee offers tax-foreclosed homes for sale online at Properties are offered to owner-occupants for the first 30 days, and then to investor owners.

ROOTS Landscaping Program
When you buy a City-owned home to live in as an owner-occupant, the City will reimburse you with a cash-back reward for up to $500 in landscaping. Purchase plants, flowers, bushes, sod, fencing and more! Learn more about the $500 ROOTS Landscaping Incentive.